Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I'm back with perspectives I've been out of the loop for a bit.  Things have been busy, and the time presented itself for me to do a self-assessment.  Assessments are crucial to do on a regular basis.  This time I had realized I hadn't done one in so long that I seemed to have lost myself.  Taking some time to re-prioritize my life, to think about what I don't want to be a part of my life...what no longer servers me and to kiss it goodbye!  The time is upon us...the new year...think about what no longer serves you and get rid of it!  Think of your world as two spheres.  One that is your immediate sphere, you can decide what happens here and the other the sphere around you.  The world, your environment, other people etc.  You cannot change them.  Now is the time to look inward, to meditate and marinate on the things that you want, that you can control.  This peace and self-love that you find inside yourself will reflect into the outer sphere and before you know it...people will have to give in.  The light that you find inside yourself through healthy food, movement (exercise, but I am going to call it movement from now on...sounds less daunting :)), and self-reflection will begin to recreate the concept of "you".  Join me this year as I spend every ounce of life I have dedicating myself to truly living a holistically healthy life!  Recipes to follow, and exercise ideas.

Live well!

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