Everyday as we become more progressive technologically as a nation we become more and more sedentary. We live in the land of opportunity and with opportunity comes abundance. American's have redefined mass food production and sustainability. We have managed to find the perfect concoction of preservatives to pump into our foods to make them shelf worthy for weeks, even years. With our fast paced lives and hundreds of things on our daily to do lists we have become slaves to the food industry. We have become a glutenous nation. The amount of food availability and the portion sizes of the food that is available has dramatically increased. Portion sizes have multiplied immensely. The average bagel now days is the equivalent of 4 slices of bread! The average size of a steak sold in your favorite restaurant is 3 times the amount of meat someone should eat in one sitting. Three times! So that being said, lets take this time to make a promise to ourselves to get smart about portion size.
Portion Size Basics
I know for many people calorie counting, portion control, and label reading seems like an unnecessary act. Yes, calorie counting can be quite daunting so lets just keep it simple and talk about portion sizes. These simple examples of portion sizes that I am giving you will help you understand food quantities and will absolutely help you trim your waistline. I'll keep it simple and basic. By remembering these simple portion size references you will be able to make good food choices in the blink of an eye...to heck with all the tedious calorie counting!
Meats/Complete Protein Sources: A serving of meat (turkey, fish, chicken, beef, pork, shrimp, tofu etc) is about 3-4 oz OR the size of a deck of cards, or even more simple, your fist.
Lunch meats...about 3 slices.
Dairy: Yogurts and milk, think about a handfuls worth. Everyone has those small glasses in their house (the ones you might use to make cocktails), this is a serving of milk. Yogurt, if you by the single yogurts at the store the manufacturer as already done the job for you. One single size yogurt is a serving.
Ice creams. If you indulge in the occasional frosty treat, one scope the size of a tennis ball is a serving of ice cream.
Cheeses are a little different. Cheese contains large amounts of fat and cholesterol, but is also a good source of protein. If you buy your cheese sliced one slice is a serving of cheese and is also counted as a fat in your daily calorie totals. If you by cheese sticks, one cheese stick is a service and if you cube your cheese a cube the size of a single dice is a serving of cheese.
Breads: Most of us buy our breads already sliced so again the manufacturer has made it easy for you. Grab one slice of bread and this is one serving. So if you make a sandwich with two pieces of bread like most people do...you have consumed two serving sizes of bread.
Pastas/Rice/Grains: If you like to eat pastas, rice, oatmeal etc, a handful of these grains COOKED is a serving size.
Fruit: Apples, oranges, pears etc...a piece of these single serving fruits will be the size of tennis ball...this is one serving, or for berries...a handful is one serving.
Veggies: Really you don't have to worry about overeating these things...I say the more the better! But if your curious or you make it a point to get your 3-a-day (which everyone should) a handful of veggies is a serving size.
Nuts: A small handful of these tasty brain building goodies is a serving size. Nut butters...one small spoonful (or read the label).
Sauces and Fats: Fats should be consumed sparingly and are categorized as extras such as dressings, gravy, certain condiments etc.
Just to get you thinking...More to follow concerning simple meal planning and I'm gathering some tasty recipes! In the mean time live well!
Meal Planning is coming tomorrow!