Sunday, January 12, 2014

It's All About the Liver

The answer to all of your health concerns may be in your liver.  Unwanted weight gain, difficult weight loss, those unsightly fat stores, headaches, allergies and much much more can all be associated with the liver.  The liver in conjunction with your kidneys, acts as a major filter for EVERYTHING that you put in your body!  When the liver is bombarded with toxins, it begins to store them along with fat and other unwanted micro and macronutrients.  These toxins begin to fill up and and create a certain level of toxicity within the body.  The pH level of the body become disrupted, the immune system slows, and the body enters a stress response causing you to hold onto excess weight, get headaches and feel just plain lousy.

So what can you do?  Detox your liver!  There is a spectrum of detox that you can participate in, anywhere from a juice cleanse, to a whole foods reset, or simple begin adding liver supporting foods to your diet, and eliminating liver killers! Here are some things you can do EVERYDAY to support your liver:

- DRINK WATER!  Try a cup of warm water with a squeeze of lemon in the morning for a great liver kick.
- Citrus fruits
- Eat more garlic
- Stock on those leafy greens
- Try cruciferous veggies (cauliflower, cabbage, artichokes, brussel sprouts)
- Pass on the red meat and pork
- Eat more apples
- Drink green tea
- Avocados

Give it a try…see what happens.

Live well!


  1. Thank you for your post. Healthy living means eating healthy foods to eat.


    1. Of course! Happy to share wealth of health :)
