So before I go talking about all the crazy things that go on in my everyday life now…I'll start from the beginning.
So I found out in January of 2013 that I was pregnant. It was scary at first. I felt like I knew from the very moment that it happened. Then when I looked at those two pink lines on the stick my whole life as I had known it flashed before my eyes, in a good way, if that makes sense. I was in the Army when I found out. A sergeant, Military Police to be exact. I was on staff duty that night (24 hour duty). I took the test at work, and when I saw the results I had to sit and let it soak in before I called my husband. This would mean a lot of things. I would need to get out of the Army or be okay with my child being in daycare at a very young age. How was I going to finish my graduate work? Not to mention we're stationed in Germany and my husband was preparing for his fifth deployment, third one to Afghanistan (we me in Afghanistan on our last deployment). Up until this point we'd spent more time apart than together in our young marriage. And I would have to deal with transitioning to military spouse life (calling all female vets and military spouses). And I couldn't even begin to think about finances, or what was about to happen to my body! I loved being pregnant and was beyond excited to become a mother and begin a family with my wonderful gi-joe husband :), but if anyone tells you that they're not scared a little when they find out they're pregnant for the first time they're lying!
My life was about to change drastically. I felt great for the first eight weeks or so, and then was placed on light duty due to a hematoma in my uterus (made miscarriage a risk). During this time the Army decided that they wanted to keep working me to the bone and I had I just about had it. Working on the weekends, and pulling three 24-hour duty shifts a week…NO THANKS! Not to mention the morning, rather the all day sickness started to set in. About the only thing that helped for me was fruit and ginger tea. Nothing sounded good, I couldn't even look at food! Once that subsided the deep fatigue of the first trimester set in. I just wanted to sleep ALL day! And then came the weeping, and it never really goes away, it gets even worse once you have your baby! But I'll talk about that in the next segment, Life After Birth: Labor and Delivery.
I loved being pregnant, not sure where the GLOW part comes from, because I just got cellulite in places I didn't even know existed, and I only gained 30 pounds, but it was great! Soak it up, because it's the last time you'll be pregnant without another little one running around :). A lot of crazy things happen while your pregnant, you just have to embrace it lol. The sickness can come back in the last trimester too.
The best thing to do during this time is eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and safe fishes such as salmon, DRINK LOTS OF WATER, and participate in light exercise. Each of these lifestyle changes will aide in your labor and delivery immensely, as well as produce a healthy and happy baby :). It's really as simple as that. No crazy exercise, gentle walks and yoga are all you need :). Fight the cravings (I didn't have them really) by eating a balanced diet. Often times your body craves nutrients that it's not receiving. Also, make sure that you don't compare your pregnancy to anyone else's. Each pregnancy is its own unique journey. As personalized as the little body that is being made inside :). Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the miracle of life.
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