Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Getting to the Bottom of it...

So...I've been studying some very new and fresh things this year so far.  I have been thinking a lot about why we gain weight, why we are unhappy, when we feel a loss of our equilibrium.  

Think way back to health class in secondary school (if your school required you to take one).  Your health teacher taught you about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.  At the bottom was the basics...food, water, shelter.  Next, safety, means of providing (job) etc.  Next, love, friendship, relationships.  Next, intimacy, self-love, esteem, confidence, and lastly, at the top was self-actualization, awakening, transcendence.

This is the year that we must all take this seriously.  Eating is the result of a NEED.  Hungry, physical needs, emotional, spiritual, relationship needs, stress relief.  I assure you that many people in the United States and in other Western countries do not eat because they are hungry...the biological trigger of metabolism is not often the trigger for eating.  

Get yourself a notebook/journal...and take 5 minutes every day to write down your reflections.  If you haven't been seeing changes in your weight with the diets that you have followed before think about why you eat.  What are you really doing when you drive through McDonald's and snack on that double cheeseburger meal?  Are you running away from obstacles that you need to confront at work?  Has your relationship with your special person hit a rocky road, are you feeling a sense of self-loathing?  Why have you hated yourself all these years, or why do you hate yourself now?  What can you do about it? Dig deep inside of your soul.  Maybe you need to develop a spiritual practice.  This doesn't have to mean going to a big church and getting all dressed up every Sunday.  This could be 20 minutes of meditation or yoga, journaling, painting, reading etc.  It is simply time that you take for yourself to uncover your inner workings, how you were made, regardless of who or what you believe in. 

Take a look outside, everything around you is working in a harmonious dance and when things become unbalanced something happens, an earthquake, a tornado, a tsunami, etc.  Look at nature, we are nature.  Find ways to ground yourself, make yourself connect with your reality, bring this to the forefront, and live in the now!

This all sounds well and good right.  IT IS!  I have established this as the year of truly holistic health for  myself.  I want you to join me.  I have given up at obstacles before in my life just as you have.  I have taken many routes, routes that have led me to some dark emotional places that I don't wish to visit again if I can help it.  I have spent so many years looking out, being angry and expecting the world to give me something in return, yet I haven't given myself.  I want to take this time to surrender myself to myself, and my sphere of influence.  I want to leave my anger and cynicism behind.  I want to become full, and healthy, vibrant and educating.  My world starts with me!  Your world starts with you!  I will be with you during these challenges.  We must surrender to our soul.  Move outside of our box, both spiritually and physically.  Develop the vibes and the karma that you wish to receive.  Love yourself and others will love you!  Confront your voids and fill them with love and nourishment.  And begin to live in EQUILIBRIUM!

-Live well!

P.S.  It is one of my goals to become a regular.  So follow along, and use my experience as yours!

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